If you have been seriously injured or are not sure as to the outcome of your injury, especially in cases of traumatic brain injuries or other injuries with potentially long lasting effects, an experienced personal injury lawyer should always be consulted as soon as possible.
It is important to talk to your attorney before you provide any statements regarding the circumstances surrounding your injury or signing any documentation. Typically, you will be able to discuss your claim and fee arrangements during your initial consultation before making a commitment so that you can determine if legal representation is in your best interests.
Personal injury attorneys usually work on contingency, which means your attorney will receive a percentage of the compensation awarded. Contingent fee arrangements or provisions for other expenses should be agreed to in writing before you proceed.
Your attorney will advise you as to potential damages you may be awarded if your case moves forward. Generally speaking, compensation for your injuries may include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering and more. In cases where a defendant’s conduct is deemed particularly negligent, a personal injury plaintiff may be awarded punitive damages in addition to the compensatory damages.
If You Have Been Injured
Contact an Experienced Des Moines Personal Injury Attorney for Help
If you or a family member has been injured, contact the Des Moines personal injury lawyers of Stoltze & Stoltze PLC for help today. With 30 years of successful experience representing injured Iowans, we we are here to help you pursue fair and just compensation for your losses. Call today at515.989.8529 for immediate assistance or email us.