Insurance Claims for Injured Passengers

Stoltze & Stoltze PLC

If you or a loved one are an injured passenger in a car accident due to negligence, you may file a claim for damages under the liability coverage of the driver or owner of the car you occupied or the coverage of the driver or owner of the other vehicle/s involved. Claims against more than one driver allow you to collect up to the value of your claim if one driver’s or owner’s policy cannot cover your entire damages.  In accidents where the driver of the car your injured in is your relative, you will likely be an insured person under his or her policy.

Immediately following an accident, you may require medical attention. To pay for these expenses, you can file a claim under the medical payments coverage of your driver’s or owner’s auto insurance policy. Medical payments are not based on liability so you do not have to wait until fault is determined to get the care you need within the limits of the policy. Medical payment coverage does not include damages for pain and suffering, lost wages or other damages besides medical bills – these will be included as part of the settlement.

If you were a passenger in an Iowa car accident and have sustained injuries, it is important to work with a personal injury attorney who can help you to pursue damages for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages and other damages that you may be entitled to. Contact the Des Moines personal injury attorneys of Stoltze & Stoltze PLC at515.989.8529 for a free consultation of your case.